Firing for disobedience from CRG in Barcelona, scientific institution of Excellence: how scientists demand obedience and recognition of their scientific authority, some very certain scientific authority: after having claimed to recognize the scientific authority of his favorite, his Excellency Director of CRG Luis Serrano, got refusal (in particular, because his favorite used to concoct data before processing).
But the resistance to filthy data manipulation was oppressed — inconvenient for them rebel computer scientist was fired.
But the resistance to filthy data manipulation was oppressed — inconvenient for them rebel computer scientist was fired.
Here are some notes of a computer scientist's experience (Mar'2016 — Dec'2016) who was very near to get a TBI*) while working with M Lluch-Senar, CRG's staff scientist.
The latter woman-in-science™ has been advancing her scientific career servicing to Luis Serrano, CRG Director, for his private needs, which, however extraneous or ugly it may look like, hands down should not be whoever else's business unless well-being of another persons and research integrity were drastically affected and put in a shambles.
In previous posts you can see mainly inside description (with the copies of emails and other documents) of the working and firing process performed within the walls of «an international biomedical research institute of excellence» — i.e. CRG, EMBL outstation in Barcelona: the torture of mobbing and lies with yet hardly believable outcome (how it was staged) lasted for several months.
(Court hearing was scheduled in a year, for the end of Jan, 2018 as this was in Spain, so very apt country for misconduct being unabated).
The only excuse for so direct summary of what happened is that the nature of Maria Lluch-Senar's job at CRG and peculiar success is of no secret within those walls, also due to quite open demonstration of this woman in science™ deep connection, way far being really intellectual, with her patron, accompanied by «the closest person, his right hand, she can get fired anyone» (indeed! not to mention full access to CRG director's desktop…), so forth interesting confessions and blatant research misconduct with lies and spreadsheets manipulation.

On May'2017 I've got no surprise from these threats of legal persecution from CRG, Barcelona (very consistent with their cultural peculiarities).
It's worth to mention, that all this shame is silently supported and even sponsored with millions of € grants both by EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) and ERC (European Research Council)
Story archive in Dropbox
*) Traumatic Brain Injury
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